Senior Care Kimberly Walters Senior Care Kimberly Walters

The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults

Scams are an unfortunate reality for seniors in America today – and they’re on the rise. Last year, the FBI reported that more than ninety-two thousand seniors in America were victims of fraud, resulting in an estimated $1.7 billion dollars lost. In defense of today’s vulnerable seniors, the National Council on Aging has provided information on the five scams considered most common:

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Senior Care Kimberly Walters Senior Care Kimberly Walters

Wrinkle Cream - Does It Work?

Maybe there will come a day when we can embrace our wrinkles, knowing that every line is a mark of wisdom. But in the meantime, most of us are still fighting each new sign of aging, and that certainly includes the lines on our face. Some of those creams, lotions, and serums can cost a boatload of money.

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