The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults
Scams are an unfortunate reality for seniors in America today – and they’re on the rise. Last year, the FBI reported that more than ninety-two thousand seniors in America were victims of fraud, resulting in an estimated $1.7 billion dollars lost. In defense of today’s vulnerable seniors, the National Council on Aging has provided information on the five scams considered most common:
Wrinkle Cream - Does It Work?
Maybe there will come a day when we can embrace our wrinkles, knowing that every line is a mark of wisdom. But in the meantime, most of us are still fighting each new sign of aging, and that certainly includes the lines on our face. Some of those creams, lotions, and serums can cost a boatload of money.
Caregiving for a Spouse: Top Tips to Being a Partner, Not a Parent
If you’re in a successful, long-lasting relationship, you know that it requires commitment, compromise, and sacrifice. The happiest relationships are the ones where both parties selflessly take care of each other.
4 Things to Do If You Haven’t Been to the Doctor in Years
So, you haven’t been to the doctor in years. No worries, you aren’t alone. It’s estimated that 25% of people in the United States don’t have a primary care physician and about 20% of people haven’t been to a doctor in more than five years.
The Hidden Drawbacks of Medicare Advantage
Insurers offering Advantage plans have an enormous financial interest in your Medicare choice, but what they won’t tell you can make a huge difference in your pocketbook and treatment options.
Smartwatches as Medical Alerts
Especially for older adults living alone, the ability to summon help in the event of an emergency—such as a fall—is a very real concern.
What to Do When Siblings Can’t Agree on a Parent’s Care Needs
For some lucky families, having all adult siblings gather around and plan how to take care of Mom and Dad as their parents’ health begins to fail is a great comfort.
How to Reduce Your Medicare Bills
Eight in 10 Americans are more worried about running out of money than dying, according to a recent study.
Why Coffee Is a Health Food for Older Adults
Coffee can help seniors maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is the conclusion of a plethora of studies on the steamy liquid that is synonymous with waking up for many Americans over 60. In fact, the morning brew has been shown to reduce a number of health issues.
8 Sneaky Signs You May Have Heart Disease
Chances are you’re aware of the classic signs of a heart attack: the crushing chest pain, the shortness of breath. But what about heart disease?