Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60
If you have noticed a sudden accumulation of wrinkles, aches and pains or a general sensation of having grown older almost overnight, there may be a scientific explanation.
The Challenges of Being ‘Sandwiched’
As seniors continue to live longer, more Americans are finding themselves falling into the “sandwich generation”: adults who are caring both for their children and their older relatives at the same time.
Older adults have more control over their aging than they think
Psychologists are tackling negative stereotypes about aging and helping older adults embrace healthy attitudes and behaviors
The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults
Scams are an unfortunate reality for seniors in America today – and they’re on the rise. Last year, the FBI reported that more than ninety-two thousand seniors in America were victims of fraud, resulting in an estimated $1.7 billion dollars lost. In defense of today’s vulnerable seniors, the National Council on Aging has provided information on the five scams considered most common: