Face the Facts: Topics to Discuss Now with Your Aging Parents (Part 1 of 2)
Face the Facts: Topics to Discuss Now with Your Aging Parents (Part 1 of 2)

- Find out what financial benefits are provided by your parents’ Social Security and pension. Determine if they are eligible for other financial programs.
- Be certain each family member has a living will. Know where all your parents’ insurance policies, wills, trust documents, tax returns, investment and banking records are located.
- Understand that Medicare generally does not cover long term care (e.g. nursing home or extended home care), and Medicaid pays only for low-income individuals.
- Investigate what type of long term care insurance coverage may be best for your parents or for yourself! Generally, premiums are lower when policies are purchased at younger ages.
- Identify what community services are available that can help your parents maintain independence. Services like home modification are available to help reduce the risk of accidents and make daily household activities more comfortable to perform. Emergency Response Systems not only summon emergency help quickly, but can also increase the feeling of security within the home. Transportation services may be available to assist older adults who need help getting to appointments with their doctor. There are many community resources to help older persons by providing information or a needed service. Find out about these and other services available through your state, area agencies on aging, and local aging services providers.
ResourcesSocial Security Administration: www.ssa.gov; 1-800-772-1213Medicare: www.medicare.gov; 1-800-MedicareNational Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information: http://www.longtermcare.govAmerican Bar Association – Commission on Law and Aging: www.abanet.org/aging mage courtesy of Pong at FreeDigitalPhotos.net