Understanding Aging and Dehydration
Dehydration - failure to consume adequate fluids to replace those that are lost - is a major problem for the elderly.
What is OpenDNA? What can it tell you about your heart health?
Have you ever wondered about your potential risks for cardiovascular disease? According to the 2024 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics report from the American Heart Association, heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States for over 100 years.
Recommended Reading for July 2024
What does it really mean to be a grown-up in today’s world?
Key to a Happy Retirement? Finding Yourself
Retirement is a significant milestone that can bring a mix of emotions.
Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorized with Accessible Air Travel Provisions
President Biden has signed a five-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which includes several provisions to make air travel more accessible for people who have disabilities.
Silver Shield Tactics: Empowering Seniors Against Financial Deceit
Seniors often find themselves as targets in a world where financial exploitation and fraud are increasingly prevalent.
Recommended Reading for June 2024
Packed with 100 uplifting short stories in large print font size, this book is perfect for the elderly and senior citizens.
A Guide To The Best Exercises For Seniors
Exercise is important in all phases of life, but for seniors, it’s critical to maintaining independence, among other benefits.
Downsizing dilemma: What to do with all your stuff?
You’ve made the decision to move to a smaller home. There isn’t room for all your belongings, but how do you decide which items make the cut?
Empowering People to Prepare for the 100-Year Life
How do we prepare for the gift of longevity? How do we ensure that, as we live longer, we all have the opportunity to age with dignity, purpose, and the resources to live well?