Recommended Reading for August 2023
Like many children of Alzheimer's sufferers, Lauren Kessler, an accomplished journalist, was devastated by the disease that seemed to erase her mother's identity even before claiming her life.
The Challenges and Benefits of Pet Ownership for Seniors
Recently, a 104-year old man from California was in the news because of his love for his rescue dog.
Beware the Retirement Hazard Zone: Those Years Right After Age 59½
The decisions you make in the four to five years right after you hit that pivotal age can have a big impact on the rest of your retirement.
Will You Have a Happy Retirement (Even With Enough Money)?
Imagine it’s a Saturday evening and you’re headed out to a new restaurant. You’re excited, but of course you won’t know whether you’ll like it until the evening is over.
Recommended Reading for July 2023
Understanding the Changing Brain: A Positive Approach to Dementia Care by Teepa Snow
10 Early Warning Signs of Dementia You Shouldn’t Ignore
How to spot early indicators that your loved one may have Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Can You Inherit Debt From a Loved One?
Most people owe some debt when they die. For example, when someone suffers a serious accident or chronic illness, they incur medical bills up until the time they pass.
5 Things That Hurt Relationships with Grandkids
There's no question that a healthy relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is a wonderful thing.
Recommended Reading June 2023
On his 68th birthday, Kevin Kelly began to write down for his young adult children some things he had learned about life that he wished he had known earlier.
Here’s why retirement age matters for Social Security and Medicare
Many folks may think that people can start collecting their full Social Security benefits at age 65, which was the retirement age for decades. But Congress changed that as part of its 1983 overhaul of the entitlement program.