Anxiety and Agitation or Discomfort and a Plea for Help?
Too often in the care industry, you hear about challenging situations with residents being anxious and agitated.
Walk Intensity Can Lower Dementia Risk, Weight
We all know walking is good for us, but new research suggests that walking with a little more oomph can improve the benefits.
Workouts for Seniors: 4 Things to Consider Before Getting Started
In this interview, Dr. Susan Scharpf discusses the best ways for seniors to get started with a workout routine and some great tools to help make it a habit.
10 Helpful Tips for Taking an Aging Parent to the Doctor
When you take an aging parent to a medical appointment, you wind up playing many roles. Suddenly you’re not just a concerned family member, but also a caregiver and a medical advocate.
Skin Care for Seniors
With aging come many changes. Your skin is no exception. From common itches and dryness, to more serious bruising and pressure ulcers, senior skin is especially susceptible to problems.
Sundowning and dementia: how you can help reduce late-day confusion
If you are living with someone with dementia, you may notice changes in their behavior as the day wears on. These changes in behavior are often referred to as ‘sundowning’, or ‘sundowning syndrome’.
The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults
Scams are an unfortunate reality for seniors in America today – and they’re on the rise. Last year, the FBI reported that more than ninety-two thousand seniors in America were victims of fraud, resulting in an estimated $1.7 billion dollars lost. In defense of today’s vulnerable seniors, the National Council on Aging has provided information on the five scams considered most common:
Wrinkle Cream - Does It Work?
Maybe there will come a day when we can embrace our wrinkles, knowing that every line is a mark of wisdom. But in the meantime, most of us are still fighting each new sign of aging, and that certainly includes the lines on our face. Some of those creams, lotions, and serums can cost a boatload of money.
Caregiving for a Spouse: Top Tips to Being a Partner, Not a Parent
If you’re in a successful, long-lasting relationship, you know that it requires commitment, compromise, and sacrifice. The happiest relationships are the ones where both parties selflessly take care of each other.
4 Things to Do If You Haven’t Been to the Doctor in Years
So, you haven’t been to the doctor in years. No worries, you aren’t alone. It’s estimated that 25% of people in the United States don’t have a primary care physician and about 20% of people haven’t been to a doctor in more than five years.