How to Vacation with Your Parents
How to Vacation with Your Parents

- Stick to the present. A vacation is not a good time to harbor that grudge about what your mom said about your first job, or to perpetuate your conviction that she loves your sister better. It’s about what she’s doing in the here and now. It’s also about who you are right now, every single choice you make about what to say and do.
- Listen more. For better or for worse, long periods of time together are a gateway to long stories and lengthy opinions. You don’t have to engage and judge what you’re hearing. You just have to sit back, listen and try to understand. When you accept where Dad’s coming from, you’re in a better position to get him to understand you. Don’t we all crave a meeting of the minds with our parents?
- Be patient with your parents’ age-related changes. It might take your mother longer to climb a staircase or to come to a decision, but without pressure from you, she can really appreciate the experience at her own pace. You may even gain some insight about how she’s adapted her life to her body’s changes. Even if she doesn’t say it, she’ll be grateful for your understanding.
- Be responsible for yourself, not for your parents. Your anxiety can make an already difficult situation treacherous. Unless your mom or dad has specifically asked for your help, don’t feel that you have to parent them. Instead, focus on and be responsible for having your own needs met. There’s a fine line between common courtesy and control, and a finer line between accommodation and self-abandonment.
- Balance your interests. Will it really be that difficult to watch another ball game with your dad or visit his sister Sadie? When you make him happy during the day, you’ll feel more balanced when you assert your own needs at night. Set the example of respect by making room for both of you.
- Accept that things go wrong sometimes. Planes are late, cars break down, signals get crossed. Instead of assigning blame, be the one who backs up, fixes it and goes forward. Detours and walks in the rain might end up as some of your best memories.
- Keep your agenda flexible. Stay reactive to mom’s interests, limitations and need for less stimulation as the week goes by. She may end up doing less but enjoying it more. That will be much more rewarding for both of you than a series of disappointing efforts to see or do as much as possible.
- Focus on the devilish details. One thing you can do (and should do if you’re a frequent traveler and your parent is not) is to handle the travel details. Share the inside secrets of airport security lines, hotel transfers, packing and mobile communications. If Dad’s relaxed when he gets there, you’ll have a much better vacation.
Many well-meaning sons and daughters are used to moving quickly, accomplishing a lot and getting straight to the point — especially when the pressures of daily living kick in. As our parents become less energetic, slower and more forgetful, we’re less likely to be successful with that approach. Vacation is a time to put away your agenda, your anxiety, nd your idealistic outcomes, and slow down like your parents.Don’t be afraid. It’s only temporary. But who knows? You might like the change.By Janice Van Dyck