Recommended Reading for May 2024
When Miss Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer, she was advised to undergo surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. But instead of confining herself to a hospital bed for what could be her last stay, Miss Norma—newly widowed after nearly seven decades of marriage—rose to her full height of five feet and told the doctor, “I’m ninety years old. I’m hitting the road.”
Recommended Reading for April 2024
This book tells the powerful 30-year love story of a young American woman and a delightfully colorful, wickedly eccentric Romanian gentleman and scholar, interspersed with advice and inspiration for Alzheimer's caregivers everywhere.
Recommended Reading for March 2024
Two of the world's leading experts explain the vital link between health and wealth that could add years to your life and dollars to your retirement savings.
Recommended Reading for February 2024
If you’re a senior who is financially stable and in relatively good health, but you still just don’t feel like you’re enjoying your life as much as you “should,” this book can help. Chittister advises using the power of positive thinking to become an elder who is truly satisfied in life.
Recommended Reading for January 2024
Over two decades ago, beloved and respected rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi felt an uneasiness.
Recommended Reading December 2023
The Book About Getting Older (for people who don’t want to talk about it) by Lucy Pollock
Recommended Reading November 2023
A heartfelt memoir of loving someone with dementia. Myrna's story of taking care of a husband with Alzheimer's is a gift to those experiencing the other side of a diagnosis.
Recommended Reading for October 2033
In Disrupt Aging, Jenkins focuses on three core areas-health, wealth, and self-to show us how to embrace opportunities and change the way we look at getting older.
Recommended Reading for September 2023
Inspired by my parents’ quirky curation, I wrote an eight-part, photo-driven series that is a totally random curation of topics ranging from space and science to animals and sports.
Recommended Reading for August 2023
Like many children of Alzheimer's sufferers, Lauren Kessler, an accomplished journalist, was devastated by the disease that seemed to erase her mother's identity even before claiming her life.